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October 2023

Happy to share the news that six of my compositions are now available in the Donemus webshop!


More of my pieces will be following soon, including a composition for flute and piano,

to be premiered at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague.



March 1st 2021

 I've been given the opportunity by radio programme Passaggio to talk about the background of our CD from a pianist's perspective. Very grateful ! Each day will cover a different movement, and sheds light on the musicological and historical context of the compositions. I will also briefly touch the topic of the role of the piano "accompanist" over the last two centuries.


To be released as a Hollandse Nieuwe! Podcast later on this week.

Part 1 is already available here. Each broadcast starts at 7pm on NPO radio 4.

February 2021

Lots of publicity and feedback for our CD Spezl, released this month (February 12th).


- Great background article in Nederlands Dagblad here.

- A very favourable review by Aart van der Wal on the Opusklassiek website.

- An interview and live performance of the 2nd movement of the Thuille sonata, in Spiegelzaal, NPO radio 4.

- An interview and live-stream concert of Strauss (2nd mvt and An einsamer Quelle), in De Klassieken, NPO radio 4.

- Our CD was "crypto-prize" in De Ochtend van 4 and received high praise in Diskotabel, both on NPO radio 4.

Dec 18th 2020

It's a wrap! We just finished the final edit of our upcoming CD! Strauss and Thuille cello sonatas with the fantastic Floris Mijnders on cello, to be released on  label 7 Mountain Records in February 2021.

Promo video here (many thanks to Hilde Verweij for the amazing footage!)

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